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Brüder und Schwestern


Brüder und Schwestern

11.05.2023 – 24.06.2023
Andreas Mühe
Galerie Anita Beckers

On the occasion of the 175th anniversary of the National Assembly in the Paulskirche in Frankfurt/Main, Galerie Anita Beckers presents for the first time the exhibition BRÜDER UND SCHWESTERN by photographer Andreas Mühe, with new works and works still in process.

Frankfurt and its Paulskirche, the cradle of democracy, become the test bed of German-German relations after 1945 in the cycle of works „Brothers and Sisters“. As is often the case in his artistic explorations, Andreas Mühe intertwines German history with the history of his own family by making the death of his great-grandparents in the cycle „Anna and Gottlob“ the starting point for his consideration of how we deal with victimhood and perpetration in our society. 45 ropes, which refer to the year of the end of the war in 1945, form the starting point for the consideration of a German-German history after 1945.

Galerie Anita Beckers
Braubachstraße 9
60311 Frankfurt am Main

Di–Fr 11–18 Uhr
Sa 12–17 Uhr u.n.V.

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